Tuesday, July 12, 2011

B90D: Day 1

Day 1 of the B90D Challenge is complete!  I have to say there is nothing more precious than the sound of your child's sweet voice reading God's Word aloud.  It brought tears to my eyes!

Owen's Assignment:  Genesis 1
He knew immediately that Genesis was the first book of the Bible, and had no problem finding Chapter 1.  Here are his thoughts:

S:  "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1
O:  God created everything.
A:  When we know that God made all of his creation, it helps us to praise Him.
P:  He prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all of the things He has made. 

Mom's Assignment:  Genesis 1-16

S:  "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it."  Genesis 4:7

O:  We all face the temptation to do things we know are not right...or that we convince ourselves are in a "gray" area of life.  But our disobedience has consequences.  When I choose to do something that is wrong - even IF I believe it will only be an isolated incident - scripture says that I have opened myself up to a spiritual attack.  Sin is waiting just around the corner to tempt me again; it says it is crouching at my door, to greet me as I come, and follow me as I go.  Sin does not just want us to slip up a few times, but it desires to HAVE us, to be our master.  By choosing what is wrong over what is right, I am agreeing to engage the enemy on an ongoing basis until I figure out how to master this sin.  Choosing what is right would be so much easier!  To walk with the Lord who provides, protects, who saves!

A:  Choose what is right instead of what's wrong....obedience over rebellion.  Recognize the consequences of my choices. 

P:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for the many times I have chosen the wrong things...for walking with the enemy in turmoil instead of with you in peace. Help me to see the areas of sin in my life, and how I may learn to master them.  I rely solely on your guidance and strength to teach me these things.  From this day on, help me to choose what is right, to walk in YOUR ways, all for your glory.  Amen.


  1. I love it Carrie! Thanks for posting the link. I will check that out. It sounds great! I'm glad you're blogging again! I know I will be blessed by the things you have to share...you don't talk much but when you do it's always good. I look up to you as someone who thinks before they speak. I think that's what you do anyway. This is a great way to speak truth and encouraging words into people's lives. I really needed to read this post about the sin at your door. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love it! Obedience has been a theme so far for us... Maybe God is trying to tell us something...
