Owen's Assignment: Genesis 28
Owen did a great job reading through the chapter despite the unusual names and places. He was a little squirmy through our review and discussion of what we'd read, so mom had to help out a little more today. But here is what we came up with together:
S: "What's more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you." Genesis 28:15
O: God had a plan for Jacob's life, and he has a plan for my life too.
A: Knowing that God has a plan for my life helps me to trust him.
P: I led Owen in prayer thanking God for his promises and plans for us, and asking God to help us trust him.
Mom's Assignment: Genesis 28:20-40:11
Today's reading was an interesting mix. Lots of that biblical genealogy that always keeps us on the edge of our seats (NOT!), and some crazy tales that could give today's reality tv stars a serious run for their money. At first glance, it appears that God is almost absent from these pages because there isn't as much interaction between God and His people as we have seen leading up to this point. But if you look deeper into the events taking place, you can clearly see that God is using each circumstance to fulfill the promises He has made.
S: "When the master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant." Genesis 39:3-4
O: Joseph's obedience made it obvious to those around him that God was with him. They knew that his success came from God. People wanted Joseph around...not because he was a nice guy (which I'm sure he was) or because he was good at what he did, but because they knew that he had God on his side. They could see with their own eyes that he lived under the blessings and the provisions of God. The way that Joseph lived his life brought glory to God...not to himself.
A: Walk in obedience to the Lord so that other's might see the work He is doing in me. Give credit where credit is due. When I receive praise for something I have or have done, do I give the glory to God? Or am I too quick to take all of the credit myself. I have to admit that sometimes I "secretly" give glory to God. Even when I recognize the source of my success, I am often intimidated....Afraid that others will think I am weird if share the truth about the source of my blessings. There have been countless times that the words, "Glory to God", have been on the tip of my tongue, but I have backed down for fear of the look on the person's face after I say it. But the truth of the gospel is that we walk in God's abundant grace and blessings SO THAT we can make God's glory know to the ends of the earth. If I only accept the first part of that statement, I am not truly living out my calling as a follower of Christ.
P: Lord, I am humbled and overwhelmed at the way you have blessed my life. Thank you for showering me with your goodness even when I do not deserve it. Help me to recognize your provisions in my life. I never want to take a single blessing from you for granted! I want to care more about what you think of me than what others do. Give me the confidence to be bold in sharing your work, your grace, your blessings in my life with others. Give me a voice for you. Help me to live a life of obedience to your word, so that you may use my life to reveal your glory to everyone around me. Amen.
Love this! Thanks for sharing! I needed to read this tonight!