Friday, November 25, 2011

I Pinned It & I Did It: Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  We had a wonderful day at my sisters house with lots of immediate and extended family.  I was responsible for the green bean casserole, pumpkin bread and cranberry sauce.  Most of our family enjoys the gel from the can variety, but a few of us can't do without the real thing.  So I decided to use half a bag of cranberries to make a small dish of sauce.  With half a bag of cranberries left over, I set out to find a use for them.  

Of course, I headed straight for Pinterest and it did not disappoint.  I found a pin for Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip.  (link to the original source here)  It was super easy to assemble, and most importantly, everyone loved it!  I halved the recipe and it was more than plenty for 15 adults and a few kids to snack on before Thanksgiving dinner.  Also note, that even though many of the ingredients have a kick to them, this really was not a spicy dish at all.  The cranberries and sugar counteracted the heat nicely.  I will definitely be making this again soon.  

Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip
Time: 15 minutes prep + 4 hours refrigeration
Yield: 15 servings
Recipe adapted from Heather Peterson

1  12 oz package fresh cranberries, chopped
1/4 C green onion, chopped
1/4 C cilantro, chopped
1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
1 1/4 C sugar
1/4 t cumin
2 T lemon juice
dash salt
2  8 oz packages cream cheese
1. Put your cranberries in a food processor or mini chopper.  You could also, just chop them up.  
2.  Combine all ingredients EXCEPT the cream cheese.   Refrigerate at least 4 hours.   

3.  Spread softened cream cheese onto platter.
4.  Top evenly with cranberry mixture.
5.  Serve with Wheat Thins, Ritz Crackers or Tortilla Chips.
**Remember I halved this recipe.  It served 15 of us and I still have some leftover!   

The Problem with the Re-Pin

About a month ago, I discovered the wonderful world of Pinterest.  For those of you who are not familiar, Pinterest is a unique social networking sight.  Instead of posting a personal status, you create virtual bulletin boards where you can post pictures of projects you are working on, recipes you are baking, products you love, or fashion/interior design/home decor styles that you either currently have in your home or simply dream about having one day.

You can follow the boards of people you know, and of others you don't know on the site. It is brilliant!  There is an endless supply of beautiful things to choose from to get your creative juices flowing.  Since joining Pinterest, this non-crafty girl started her very first wreath.  I have framed printable artwork just for the holidays.   A picture on pinterest inspired me to organize closets in my home that otherwise would never have been touched, and would probably be busting at the seams.  It is a good thing!

I have a confession, though.  I rarely post original ideas.  If you search my boards, only two or three of my pins are original.  Every other photo on them, is a result of the Re-Pin.  A Re-Pin is where you re-post someone else's  photo onto your own board.  On one hand this is a great thing.  You see a beautiful project you would love to duplicate in your own home, or a recipe you think your family would love, and you Re-Pin it to your own board to save the idea for later.  So when the mood strikes, it is easy to find and easy to get started.  But on the other hand, how do you know if the project is really as simple as it seems?  Or if the recipe is really as delicious as it looks?  There are rarely follow up posts to let you know if the undertaking was a piece of cake, just one giant headache or something in between.

And that is the inspiration for this latest blog post.  I am going to keep track of the Pinterest projects I actually decide to tackle, and give an honest review of how an everyday un-crafty, somewhat skilled cook is able to succeed or fail at them.  You can see them on this blog and on my Pinterest board:   I Pinned It & I Did It! 

Happy Pinning!

Friday, July 15, 2011

B90D: Day 4

Owen's Assignment:  Genesis 40
Owen seemed really interested in this story.  He had lots of questions and read the entire chapter without a single complaint or distraction...probably because we read just before bed tonight and he was stretching it to the max!  He is pretty familiar with the life of Joseph, and I was blessed by our talk about the reading and the many ways God used Joseph to bless others. 

S:  "We both had dreams," they answered, "but there is no one to interpret them."  Then Joseph said to them, "Interpreting dreams is God's work.  Go ahead and tell me your dreams."  Genesis 40:8

O:  God gave Joseph the ability to do his work, and then he used that work to change Joseph's life.

A:  God (or the Holy Spirit) helps me to do God's work, too.  We can help others with the gifts He has given us just like Joseph helped others by interpreting dreams. 

P:  We prayed, giving thanks to God for the gifts He has given us and for the ways He will use us to help others.  We asked him to help us see when we can help others and to act upon it.

Mom's Assignment:  Genesis 40:12-50:26

S:  "You intended to harm me, but God meant it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  So then, don't be afraid.  I will provide for you and your children."  He reassured them and spoke kindly to them.  Genesis 50:20-21

O:  Joseph understood the big picture.  He was able to look past all of the hurt (and presumed bitterness), and see that God had used his circumstances for good.  I will admit that when I've been wounded, the thought of getting even has brought a smile to my face.  Now those of you who know me realize that I am probably the last person on earth to actually act on such thoughts, but there are times when the only relief for burning anger is the thought of revenge.  I imagine that Joseph had thoughts similar to this at one time as well.  Yet, when he was faced with the opportunity to even the score, he not only resisted, he took a giant leap in the opposite direction.  He was exceedingly generous with his brothers, making sure their every need was met, and even being KIND to them!  If only I could be so gracious!

A:  Look for God at work in every situation.  Focus on the positive outcome instead of the negative events that transpired on the journey to my destination.  Ask God to heal the hurt, and help me forgive.

P:  Heavenly Father,  Thank your for being a God who forgives.  Your mercy and grace astound me.  I long to have the heart for forgiveness that you possess.  Please remove past grudges and help me to take on new offenses with a heart of compassion and kindness, and to walk in the freedom of forgiveness.  Amen

Thursday, July 14, 2011

B90D: Day 3

Owen's Assignment:  Genesis 28
Owen did a great job reading through the chapter despite the unusual names and places.  He was a little squirmy through our review and discussion of what we'd read, so mom had to help out a little more today.  But here is what we came up with together:

S:  "What's more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go.  One day I will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you."    Genesis 28:15

O:  God had a plan for Jacob's life, and he has a plan for my life too.

A:  Knowing that God has a plan for my life helps me to trust him.

P:  I led Owen in prayer thanking God for his promises and plans for us, and asking God to help us trust him.


Mom's Assignment:  Genesis 28:20-40:11
Today's reading was an interesting mix.  Lots of that biblical genealogy that always keeps us on the edge of our seats (NOT!), and some crazy tales that could give today's reality tv stars a serious run for their money.  At first glance, it appears that God is almost absent from these pages because there isn't as much interaction between God and His people as we have seen leading up to this point.  But if you look deeper into the events taking place, you can clearly see that God is using each circumstance to fulfill the promises He has made. 

S:  "When the master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant."  Genesis 39:3-4

O:  Joseph's obedience made it obvious to those around him that God was with him.  They knew that his success came from God.  People wanted Joseph around...not because he was a nice guy (which I'm sure he was) or because he was good at what he did, but because they knew that he had God on his side. They could see with their own eyes that he lived under the blessings and the provisions of God.  The way that Joseph lived his life brought glory to God...not to himself.

A:  Walk in obedience to the Lord so that other's might see the work He is doing in me.  Give credit where credit is due.  When I receive praise for something I have or have done, do I give the glory to God?  Or am I too quick to take all of the credit myself.  I have to admit that sometimes I "secretly" give glory to God.  Even when I recognize the source of my success, I am often intimidated....Afraid that others will think I am weird if share the truth about the source of my blessings.  There have been countless times that the words, "Glory to God", have been on the tip of my tongue, but I have backed down for fear of the look on the person's face after I say it.  But the truth of the gospel is that we walk in God's abundant grace and blessings SO THAT we can make God's glory know to the ends of the earth.  If I only accept the first part of that statement, I am not truly living out my calling as a follower of Christ.

P:  Lord, I am humbled and overwhelmed at the way you have blessed my life.  Thank you for showering me with your goodness even when I do not deserve it.  Help me to recognize your provisions in my life.  I never want to take a single blessing from you for granted!  I want to care more about what you think of me than what others do.  Give me the confidence to be bold in sharing your work, your grace, your blessings in my life with others.  Give me a voice for you.  Help me to live a life of obedience to your word, so that you may use my life to reveal your glory to everyone around me.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

B90D: Day 2

Owen's Assignment:  Genesis 17
I have to say I was a little nervous when I realized the subject matter of these verses.  I wasn't planning to have the circumcision talk with my 5 yr old today!  Thankfully, he didn't ask too many questions about it, and instead seemed to be more focused on God's promise than on what He required of Abraham and his descendants.   If only we could all be that way! 

S:  "Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call  him Isaac.  I will establish my covenant for his descendants after him."  Genesis 17:19

O:  God has promises for us, but wants us to do our part too.

A:  Remember God's promises and obey him.

P:  He said a prayer thanking God for his promises, and asking God to help him obey.


Mom's Assignment:  Genesis 17-28:19

S:  "Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?'  Is anything too hard for the Lord?  I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son."  Genesis 18:13-14

O:  Sarah found God's promise to give her a child too outlandish to believe.  It was comical; she actually God.  (yikes) But, I can't say I really blame her.  She was 90 years old afterall!  I mean, what are the odds?  But what Sarah didn't understand is that with God, the odds don't matter.  Scripture shows us time and time again that God is faithful.  He keeps his promises.  This verse really got me thinking:  how many times have I dismissed one of God's promises?  How many times have I told myself that a particular promise doesn't apply to me?   Simply because, like Sarah, I cannot wrap my little human brain around what an infinitely big God can do. 

A:  Realize that God does not live, move or act with earthly limitations.  He is God of the universe, all-powerful and ever-faithful.  Stop doubting that He can do it, and BELIEVE that He will.  Because God CAN do anything...far more than we could ever imagine, guess, or request in our wildest dreams!  (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)

P:  Gracious God,  I praise you for your faithfulness. Thank you for being a God who keeps His promises.  In the midst of my doubts, help me with my unbelief.  Help me to see who you really are, to believe in your Word unfailingly, and to walk with confidence in your ability and desire to move in my world and in my life.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

B90D: Day 1

Day 1 of the B90D Challenge is complete!  I have to say there is nothing more precious than the sound of your child's sweet voice reading God's Word aloud.  It brought tears to my eyes!

Owen's Assignment:  Genesis 1
He knew immediately that Genesis was the first book of the Bible, and had no problem finding Chapter 1.  Here are his thoughts:

S:  "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1
O:  God created everything.
A:  When we know that God made all of his creation, it helps us to praise Him.
P:  He prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all of the things He has made. 

Mom's Assignment:  Genesis 1-16

S:  "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it."  Genesis 4:7

O:  We all face the temptation to do things we know are not right...or that we convince ourselves are in a "gray" area of life.  But our disobedience has consequences.  When I choose to do something that is wrong - even IF I believe it will only be an isolated incident - scripture says that I have opened myself up to a spiritual attack.  Sin is waiting just around the corner to tempt me again; it says it is crouching at my door, to greet me as I come, and follow me as I go.  Sin does not just want us to slip up a few times, but it desires to HAVE us, to be our master.  By choosing what is wrong over what is right, I am agreeing to engage the enemy on an ongoing basis until I figure out how to master this sin.  Choosing what is right would be so much easier!  To walk with the Lord who provides, protects, who saves!

A:  Choose what is right instead of what's wrong....obedience over rebellion.  Recognize the consequences of my choices. 

P:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for the many times I have chosen the wrong things...for walking with the enemy in turmoil instead of with you in peace. Help me to see the areas of sin in my life, and how I may learn to master them.  I rely solely on your guidance and strength to teach me these things.  From this day on, help me to choose what is right, to walk in YOUR ways, all for your glory.  Amen.

B90D: The Challenge

Not too long ago, I purchased a real, "big kid" Bible for my son, Owen.  He has read through the many story bibles he has several times, and as his vocabulary and ability to read has developed, I knew he was ready to take the next step toward learning to navigate and really dive into the word of God. 

I'd like to say that we took the plunge right away, but as is so often the case, life, family, sports activities, summer fun and just plain laziness got in the way.  So about 2 months has passed, and his new Bible still sits on his bookshelf basically untouched....until today.

My friend, Lindsay, shared a challenge on facebook.  She and her daughter have started the B90D Challenge....To read through the bible in 90 days:  adults read the entire thing; kids read a very abbreviated  overview.  And I have decided to step up to the plate as well, to begin to teach Owen how to navigate what has been the most important book in my life, and what I hope will be his. 

The B90D group at is using an acrostic to reflect on the scripture readings:

S: Scripture-Write the ONE scripture that I feel God is using to speak to me in today’s reading
O: Observation-What might He be telling me with that scripture?
A: Application-How can I apply it to my life?
P: Prayer-What is my prayer to ask God in helping me to make that application?

I will be posting periodically to share our S.O.A.P discoveries and to let you know how the challenge is going.

Feel free to join us on this adventure!  All of the details and reading schedule is available on  Even if you do not choose to join us on this journey, I hope you will pray for us.  That God would use His word to ignite a passion in our hearts, to stretch our understanding, and to challenge us in our daily lives.